AviSplit is an application for cutting and rejoining AVI files. Avisplit can split a large AVI file into more convenient pieces (you set the size), rejoin those pieces or extract a clip with a specified starting and ending point.
Whether pieces or a clip, Avisplit output can be viewed in any standard player, and when the pieces are recombined, the result is exactly the same as the original.
Whether splitting, rejoining or clipping, AviSplit is very fast as no data processing is involved (lossless). Generally, using Avisplit is about as fast as copying the file itself!
AviSplit can not process AVI video file written in Type-1 AVI and ODML AVI format. To use AviSplit, convert your video from digital video camera into Type-2 AVI. A warning will be shown when AviSplit detects that the video was written in those formats.