WinBoss Classic (Freeware)

Download WinBoss


WinBoss let you hide running applications quickly so that other people will not notice of what you are doing recently. With a simple keyboard combination that you can set (by default it would be ctrl-x) the selected application will dissapear, including from the taskbar, Alt-Tab and the running application list in the Windows Task manager.

To restore the hidden application(s), just click on the WinBoss icon on the right side of the taskbar. A popup menu will show with the list of hidden applications. Click to restore one of it.

WinBoss icon is a green rectangle, which looks like the Windows Task manager CPU indicator icon.

WinBoss is also useful to reduce the number of button shown on the taskbar by moving them into the WinBoss popup menu.

WinBoss setting window will be shown for a split second before minimized as an icon on the right side of the taskbar.

Changing short-key

To change the key combination to hide active program click on Change button. To restore the default key combination click on the default button. After a confirmation the key combination will be set back to ctrl-x.

When change button is pressed, a dialog will appear:

Press the new key combination on the keyboard. The new key combination captured will be shown (ALT in this case). Avoid using too simple short-key since it may be used by other software running on the foreground.

Hiding the setting window

To hide the setting window, click on hide button, or close it by using the close button on the right-top.

Closing WinBoss

To close WinBoss, you can click on the menu file\exit, or when minimized by clicking on the WinBoss icon and select exit from the popup menu. When there are one or more application still hidden, as listed in the popup menu, these hidden applications will be restored first before WinBoss is completely closed.

Restoring hidden application

All hidden application will be listed in the popup menu. Click on the one that you want to restore. To restore all at once click on Restore all.

Download WinBoss