Links and resources

Professional Notepad - HTML Editor, Source Code Editor with the features you've always dreamt about.
Professional Notepad is an advanced tool that allows you view and edit HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, PERL, SQL, Delphi, C++ and other languages source code!
Business Card Software - Design your own business card in a few easy steps and print it on your own computer or order high quality offset prints from!

SEA CMS Content Management System - Simplify the way you manage your website with our search engine attuned content management system. Updating content now becomes a job for anyone who can use a computer!

Small Business Directory - Directory of small businesses and related resources.

Data recovery - Hard drive data recovery software for windows, UNIX, LINUX, Apple, Macintosh, retrieve lost and deleted data.
Avitricks in Tucows Avisplit in Tucows Frettt's Freeware Archiv
video distribution

Pad files

AviTricks PAD file  Avitricks_classic.xml
AviSplit PAD file AviSplit classic.xml
AviScreen PAD file AviScreen_Classic.xml
BoxMaker PAD file BoxMaker_Classic.xml
PhotoShape PAD file PhotoShape_Classic.xml
WinBoss PAD file WinBoss_Classic.xml

Video editor
