AviTricks Basics: Location of Source Material
Like most video editing programs, AviTricks does not immediately copy the video files you use. An AviTricks project is made up of references to video files that are stored elsewhere. This means that if you move the video files while working on the project, AviTricks will not be able to find them.
Although you can work on a video that is stored on a CD, the CD will need to be loaded for AviTricks to work. Obviously that makes it impossible to use video files sourced from more than one CD at once, unless you have a system with more than one CD drive. It is also inconvenient if you need to access the CD drive.
For ease of operation it is therefore best to copy source videos to the hard disk before using them with AviTricks.
You can just do this as a straight copy to the desktop or a folder you have made for this purpose, but, given the enormous size of most video files, we recommend that you use AviSplit or some other video cutting program to cut the video file into smaller pieces first. This make the files easier to work with. And, if you only require one or just a few excerpts from the source video, you can save a lot of disk space by using AviSplit to clip these out and store them on your hard disk.