Control buttons for adjusting effects

After choosing Adjust editing mode and selecting an object to adjust, a number of controls will appear at the top of the Timeline on the right of the video play switches. The controls that apply to the selected object will be activated.

From left to right:

The name of the property being adjusted appears in a dropdown. If more than one property is adjustable, you can switch between them here.

The “Add” button adds an active node at the current position.

The “Del” button deletes the active node.

“Hide” hides the node. 

“Mid” moves the active node to the median setting (midline).

“=Val” moves the active node to the setting of the node to its left.

“~/~” interpolates the position of the node based on the settings to the left and right (creating a straight line).

“Text” to add or edit text in a subtitle or title.

“Font” to set the font in a subtitle or title.

“Color” to set color when necessary.

"Pick" to set color by pointing on an (prepared) image anywhere on the screen. 

Video editor