Capturing Video 

It is good practice to first design what you are going to present in the video capture. Open and prepare all applications that will be involved. If necessary write down what to do during the presentation. Practice moving the cursor steadily, avoiding erratic or quick movements. Allow some room before and after the actual target. These sections can be trimmed later with a video editor, like AviTricks for example. 

After setting the options according to your needs, you can start the video capture. There are three methods for starting the video capture: 

  1. By clicking on the "capture video" button on the Settings window. To show the Settings window when AviScreen is running in the background, click the AviScreen icon on the taskbar, and click Show settings in the popup menu. 
  2. By clicking Start in the popup menu. 
  3. By using the shortcut key (CTRL+ALT+S by default). 

AviScreen will move to background and there will be a delay as set in the Video options. During this delay, move your cursor to the designated place. Wait until the icon on the taskbar has turned into a rotating wheel:

Allow some time before starting the actual presentation, then the show may begin. You may stop or pause the video capture at any moment. Allow a delay before stopping or pausing the capture by leaving the cursor in its last position, then use the shortcut key or the popup menu to stop/pause. If you use the popup menu to stop/pause the capture, the process will also be captured and may need to be trimmed later. When the computer is slow or very busy, sometimes it is necessary to hit the shortcut key several times before it works. 

When the capture is stopped, a video file will be available under the Base output folder with the largest index name. An easy way to get it is by browsing the folder. This can be reached quickly from the popup menu or from the "Browse folder" button under the Folder tab. Sort the folder base on the name or date modified and choose the last one. 

When the checkbox "Play the video result when ready" under the Video tab is checked, the video will be played immediately.

Video editor