Capture Area Options 

The capture area can be defined in many different ways: 

  1. Specific size: Several predefined dimensions based on standard video sizes are offered (240 x 160, 320 x 240, 480 x 360 and 640 x 480); 
  2. Full screen; 
  3. Custom size. You can define the size and the position of the capture rectangle yourself; 
  4. Selected object: Select an object to capture, either a window including header, the contents area or any object (panel, button etc) that can be captured. 

To define the placement or dimension of the capture rectangle, click on the "Set" button. A feature that is unique to AviScreen is "follow the cursor mode". If this option is checked, the capture rectangle will follow the cursor, making it possible to cover the screen activity indicated by the cursor within a relatively small area. This makes it possible to deliver the video through a lower bandwidth. You can specify whether the cursor is visible or hidden in the capture by checking/un-checking the "show the cursor" checkbox.

Video editor